
Cognitive Science Newsletter 2024

Dr. Zoe Drayson, the Cognitive Science Program Director, put together a newsletter to provide updates on the amazing work our Cognitive Science students, faculty, and staff have done recently. Check it out here!


Undergraduate Award Application Open Now - Glushko Prize for Cognitive Science

Robert J. Glushko Prize in Cognitive Science - Apply by May 17, 2024!

The Robert J. Glushko Prize recognizes undergraduate excellence in Cognitive Science. Prizes will be awarded each year to senior undergraduate Cognitive Science majors who are engaged with the Cognitive Science community at U.C. Davis University and have achieved excellence in one or more of the following ways:

Antoinette Banks, Cognitive Science Alum, Wins $1 Million Black Ambition Prize

Please join us in congratulating Antoinette Banks, a 2022 Cognitive Science undergraduate alum and PhD student in the UC Davis Learning & Mind Sciences program, for winning a $1 Million Black Ambition prize. Banks won the award for her app, Expert IEP, which uses Predictive AI to optimize Individual Educational Plans for students with disabilities.

Cognitive Science Featured in L&S Magazine

One of UC Davis’ newest majors is also among its fastest growing — attracting about 400 undergraduate students in its first three years. That comes as no surprise to the faculty and students in cognitive science.

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Internship Opportunity

The UC Davis CalTeach/Mathematics and Science Teaching Program (CalTeach/MAST) provides students with opportunities to explore careers in K-12 mathematics and science education while completing their degree in a STEM field. CalTeach/MAST offers seminar/internship courses that will expose you to teaching methods and practices in local area elementary, middle or high school classrooms. Our courses will give you the opportunity to acquire required internship hours to enter a teacher education credential program at either a UC or CSU campus.

Seniors in Cognitive Science Eligible for Glushko Prize

The newly established Robert J. Glushko Prize recognizes undergraduate excellence in Cognitive Science. Prizes will be awarded each year to senior undergraduate Cognitive Science majors who are engaged with the Cognitive Science community at UC Davis and have achieved excellence in one or more of the following ways: